Couples Therapy

“Lack of communication can drive a spike between two people wider than any physical distance.”

Are you madly in love with someone and think that's all it takes to keep a relationship going?

Well, let me tell you a little secret: love alone is not enough! Relationships take work, my friend. But don't let that discourage you! Because when you put in the effort, the potential for an incredible connection with the person you love is truly amazing.

Think about it: every relationship has its own unique dynamic, and that's what makes it so exciting! Sure, there may be times when things get a little rocky and you start to wonder where you went wrong. But that's okay! It's all part of the journey. And when things do get tough, that's when you can reach out for help and support. So, don't be afraid to put in the work to make your relationship thrive. Embrace the ups and downs, and enjoy the ride. With a little effort and a lot of love, the possibilities for a happy and fulfilling future with the person you love are endless!

Have you ever felt like your life experiences have been different from your partner's? It can be tough when you know they love you, but sometimes it seems like they just don't quite "get" you. Maybe you're struggling to understand them too! It can be especially hurtful when they unintentionally say something that stings, or fail to appreciate something that's really meaningful to you. But don't worry, you're not alone. We all have those moments.

Planning on getting married?

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! As you prepare to embark on this exciting new journey with your partner, it's important to remember that premarital counseling can be a valuable tool to help you build a strong and healthy foundation for your relationship.

I use the Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) Assessment to guide couples towards a successful and happy marriage. This online tool provides a personalized roadmap to help you and your future spouse navigate the ups and downs of married life.

The SYMBIS Assessment is suitable for all types of couples, whether you're newly engaged, newly married, or have been together for years. I welcome all couples, including long-term partners, second marriages, and LGBTQ+ couples.

As a licensed therapist and wedding officiant, I am committed to helping couples like you create the best possible start to your marriage. Whether you're seeking premarital counseling or wedding officiating services, I am here to support you every step of the way.

Let's work together to build a foundation of love and trust that will last a lifetime. Contact me today to schedule your SYMBIS Assessment and take the first step towards a happy and fulfilling marriage.

Are you and your partner going through a tough time?

Don't worry, you're not alone. The good news is that couples therapy can help you both grow stronger together. It can guide you towards a place of mutual support and care, so you can navigate difficult conversations with ease. Plus, you'll learn how to communicate in a healthy and productive way, which will benefit your relationship for years to come. So why wait? Take the first step towards a happier, healthier relationship today!

If you want to start making changes, I’m ready when you are.